Sunday, 2 September 2012

Gateway to the Med

We have now reached Gibraltar the gateway to the Mediterranean, since arriving we have seen more clouds in the past three days than we did the whole time we were in the Algarve, but I suppose the weather had to change at some time, though it is still quite warm.

Our last few days in Vialmoura with Madeline, Steve Sophie and Harry was packed full of fun, Steve treated the Kids (Kevin included) to a go on a Jet Ski, as usual Kevin got the duff one and therefore was unable to give it some real welly, as they came back in they all appeared to be smiling and all thought it was great fun, although Sophie said she had a few dubious moments.
Sophie and her old uncle
Another day we sailed round to the beach we had gone to on our first day together, we started off by having a dingy race, boys versus girls, the person rowing was blindfolded ( goggle's had tissue paper in) and had to be guided by the other member of their team. The boy’s team was Harry rowing with Steve giving instruction, the girls team was Sophie rowing with Madeline giving instructions, the girls won by two minutes.
The boy's team - Stephen & Harry

The girl's team - Madeline & Sophie

It was then off to the beach, Steve, Sophie and Harry swam to shore, whilst Kevin rowed to shore with Madeline and myself, I sat at the front and Madeline was at the back with strict instructions to keep the bags dry. As we approached the shore the waves started to get bigger, Steve started to wade out to help us in. As I looked back at Madeline, I saw this huge wave about to break right behind us, the next minute we were hurtling towards shore completely drenched, but Madeline managed to keep the bags dry.

That night Steve treated us all to dinner as it was Madeline’s birthday on the day they flew back.

Our final day with them all was spent lazing around the Pool at Steve and Madeline’s hotel, it made a nice change from swimming in the sea, and at one point we nearly cleared the pool as our game of ball became a bit boisterous.  At night we said our goodbyes and a few tears shed all round, both Kevin and I so enjoyed our time with them all, and have certainly missed their crewing skills.

The following day we headed off to the Spanish Boarder and Ayamonte, which is a village of Greek origin, the Marina was lovely and quiet, a big change from Vilamoura, and the small town with its cobbled narrow streets was bustling, we really liked the place. On our way into Ayamonte we were stopped by the Portuguese police, the first time this had happened to us as we had been informed it was a usual occurrence when sailing around Portugal, all they wanted to see were ships papers and passports. We had intended to sail up the river but we couldn’t find any charts indicating the depths and as we were aware the river contained some sandbanks that we could get stuck on we decided not to take the risk.

We then moved on to Chipiona, the pilot book said it was a well-run marina, backed by a pleasant holiday town, both of us would beg to differ and were quite happy to move on to our next destination in Cadiz.

Cadiz is an ancient city and has links with the Phoenicians, Romans and the Moors, it has long been a major port and until recently yachts could not be accommodated but this has all changed now. The marina is set amongst the giant docks and isn’t particularly nice, the walk from the marina into the old town is desolate and uninspiring.  The city itself is vast and could not be covered in a single day, so we took a walk along the sea front into the town where we saw some really beautiful and unusual old trees.

The Cities Cathedral looks very Moorish and very big, unfortunately we decided not to go and have a look, on hindsight I now wished we had.

From Cadiz it was on to Barbate, we only stayed here one night before heading of for Gibraltar nick named “The Rock”, at one point on the voyage to “The Rock” we thought we could see some islands off to our starboard side, but it was actually North Africa we could see, at one point we were only eight miles away from the African coast.

The mooring in the marina is stern too with what’s called a lazy line at the bow, this was the first time we had attempted this type of mooring in our boat which we managed without difficulty, (we did have some assistance from one of the marina staff). Our mooring in Gibraltar is right next to the runway so we get to see all the planes land and take off at close range, one of which included a Hercules. Apparently the Easyjet is not allowed to moor though.

Whilst in Gibraltar we have done the touristy trip and walked to the top of the rock, although it was cloudy it was very hot and humid. First we visited St Michaels cave, which was full of stalagmites and stalactite’s it was truly magnificent, and apparently they now hold concerts in the largest of the caverns.

It was then off to see the Barbary monkeys, which varied in sizes, there were quite a few mothers walking around with their babies clinging on. There are numerous notices telling you not to touch or feed them, but we saw lots of people ignoring this request, and we had no intention of sharing our chocolate bar with them.
Caption competition - who can send us the funniest
It was then off to look at the Siege Tunnel, the history behind the making of the tunnel was fascinating, and apparently is not the only tunnel. During world war two the tunnels were extended and now 52Km of tunnels exist inside the rock. With this much tunnelling it’s a wonder “The Rock” is still standing.

Tomorrow we head off around Europa Point into the Mediterranean, so in preparation we took a trip to Morrison’s, where we have stocked up on several of the items we can’t get anywhere in Spain, and Kevin has treated himself to a few cans of one his favourite bitters whilst for me it was a big bar of Cadbury’s chocolate.

Total distance to date: 1945 Nm (2238m)

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